
Microsoft Research Detours


Edit the import tables of a binary.


BOOL DetourBinaryEditImports(
    _In_     PDETOUR_BINARY pBinary,
    _In_opt_ PVOID pContext,


Pointer to binary opened by DetourBinaryOpen .
Program specific context pointer to be passed unmodified to each callback function.
Callback function called before each module in the import table.
Callback function called once for each module in the import table.
Callback function called once for each symbol in the import table.
Callback function called at the end of the import table if there have been no errors.

Return value

If successful, returns TRUE; otherwise, returns FALSE.


DetourBinaryEditImports edits the import tables of a binary opened by DetourBinaryOpen. Detours stores edits in a reversible format using a Detours payload. The DetourBinaryResetImports function can be used to remove the edits.

DetourBinaryEditImports walks sequentially through the import table of a binary making callbacks on all points of interest. Four points of interest are currently supported, each with its own callback function:

  • Files: The pfFile function is called for each file listed in the import table. The callback function can alter the file name at its discretion.
  • Symbols: The pfSymbol function is called for each symbol listed in each file in the import table. The callback function can alter the symbol name at its discretion.
  • Byways: The pfByway function is called once at the start of the import table, between each pair of import functions, and again at the end of the import table. The pfByway function can at its discretion introduce a new import file into the import table. When a byway is inserted, the import table is modified to import the function exported with ordinal #1 from the named import file.
  • Commit: The pfCommit function is called at the end of walking the import table if no errors have been returned by previous callback functions.

Consider a binary that imports the functions CreateFileW and CloseHandle from Kernel32.dll, the function CommandLineToArgvW from Shell32.dll, the functions RegOpenKeyExW, RegQueryValueW, and RegCloseKey from AdvApi32.dll, and has a byway for MyDetour.Dll inserted from a previous call to DetoursBinaryEditImports. A program calling DetoursBinaryEditImports would receive the following callbacks:

For more information on binary editing with Detours, see Payloads and DLL Import Editing in the Detours Overview.

Note: Each DLL inserted as a byway must export a function with ordinal #1. If the export table for the DLL does not export a function with ordinal #1, the target binary will fail to load correct.

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