Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Microsoft Research Detours

Detours Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This page contains a list of questions frequently asked about Detours. The questions are grouped by general topic and area of interest.


Is Detours compatible with Windows 8?

Yes. Detours is fully compatible with Windows 8 desktop and server applications. While Detours can be used in the development and testing of Window Store apps, new Windows Store apps for Windows 8 can not ship with Detours.

Why can't my Windows Store app for Windows 8 include Detours?

Windows Store apps may use only a subset of the Win32 API. Detours requires several Win32 APIs that are forbidden in for Windows App Certification. Forbidden APIs used by Detours include VirtualAlloc, VirtualProtect, and FlushInstructionCache.

Is Detours compatible with Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows ME?

No. Detours is compatible only with the Windows NT family of operating systems: Windows NT, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003, etc. Detours does not work on the Windows 9x family of operating systems because they have a primitive virtual memory system.

Compiling with Detours Code

How do I do thing X with Detours?

Look in the Detours Samples. The Detours Samples are quite extensive. It is likely that anything you want to accomplish with Detours is covered in one of the included samples.

Where can I find detours.lib and detours.h?

You need to build a version of detours.lib for your C/C++ compiler in the detours/src directory by typing nmake either in the detours directory or in the detours/src directory.

Running with Detours

Why don't I see any calls to my detour of malloc?

Probably because the target program is not using the malloc function you detoured.

Standard library functions like malloc can be linked with a program either statically, from one of the libc*.lib libraries, or dynamically, from one of the msvcrt*.dll libraries. When statically linked, a program receives its own private version of the standard library functions. When dynamically linked, a program shares version of the standard library functions in a DLL. If you detour your private version of the function, or if the target program uses its own private version of the function, your detour won't be called by the target program.

Why is Detours packaged as a static library (detours.lib) and not as a dynamic link library (say detours.dll)?

Packaging Detours as a statical library minimizes the risk that you will accidentally detour a function required by the Detours package itself and reduces versioning problems. Note that Detours adds only about 16KB when statically linked with your code.

Do I still need to use detoured.dll?

No, the detoured.dll marker file was removed in Detours 3.0. Before Detours 3.0, this file was used as marker to guide Microsoft technical support personnel and tools, like Windows Error Reporting, by helping them quickly determine that a process has been altered by the Detours package. Advances in Windows OCA in Windows 7 removed the need for this marker as Windows 7 maintains a list of DLL that have been unloaded from a process. Microsoft can not guarantee nor support in any way, the modification of Microsoft binaries by third parties. Nor can Microsoft support, in any way, an application that contains Microsoft binaries modified by third parties. This includes in-memory modification using the Detours package.

How can I debug the startup of my detour DLL?

The Windbg can single step or break on exceptions in process startup. Windbg is available in the "Debugging Tools for Windows" download from on For example, you can use the command line:

windbg -o withdll.exe -d:mydll.dll myexe.exe

Why does my code act differently under a debugger?

Debuggers insert breakpoints by replacing function code with break instructions. For example, on the X86 and X64 processors, the debugger will write a 0xCC (int 3) for a breakpoint. If the breakpoint is written before a detour is applied, the Detour library will see the 0xCC instead of the real instructions.

The best way to work around this issue is to ensure that no debugger breakpoints are set on target functions.


Can Detours be used in commercial applications?

Yes, with a Detours Professional license. You can purchase Detours Professional from the Microsoft Store.

Bug Reports

How do I report a bug?

Please send detailed bug reports to [email protected]. Bug reports may be used to fix bugs in future versions of the Detours package. Please include the text "DETOURS BUG REPORT" in the subject line. Within the body of your message, please include the first line from the README.TXT file which contains the full description of the version Detours you are using including the Build number.

Before submitted a bug report, please make every effort to insure that the problem is not an error in your own code or your usage of Detours. The most common sources of user error are covered in this FAQ.

The [email protected] email address is for bug reports only, it is not a product support line.