
Delft Visualisation and Image processing Development Environment

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This is the user manual and help file for the DeVIDE software package. DeVIDE is the open source Delft Visualisation and Image processing Development Environment.

The software was designed for the rapid prototyping and testing of visualisation and image processing techniques. All functionality is packaged in the form of modules. One of the ways in which these modules can be used, is to make use of the DeVIDE Graph Editor, where glyphs, representing modules, can be connected up to form functional data-processing networks. A key feature is that any code object can be accessed and interacted with in real- time. This enables both module writers and users of the Graph Editor to experiment with for example all parameters and even the logic behind a running piece of functionality.

DeVIDE is available as open source under the terms of the new BSD license.  Binaries are usually made available for the Windows and Linux platforms.

The main website of this software is at .  Please go there for links to more documentation, the GoogleCode project site, the mailing list and the news blog.

This manual is in a perpetual state of being under heavy construction. The Graph Editor and Useful Patterns sections are especially useful and should be read before you start working with the software.