DICOMBrowser | Previous Top Next |
With the DeVIDE DICOMBrowser, released with 8.5, you can easily explore collections of
DICOM data. It is intended to be used as a visual interface with which DICOM series can be
easily selected and loaded, using the companion DICOMReader module, into DeVIDE for
further processing.
Below a screenshot of the DICOMBrowser GUI is shown:
Also see our introductory screencast on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLfu6JXkWP4
Starting the exploration
Enter any number of directories and or filenames into the "Files and Directories to Scan" text
input box, separated by semicolons. You can either type these in yourself, cut and paste them
from some other application, or make use of the "Add Dirs" and "Add Files" dialog buttons.
After having entered all paths that you wish to scan, click on the "Scan" button. Post 8.5
versions of the DICOMBrowser will show a progress bar whilst scanning.
When scanning has been completed, all other panels in the interface will be filled out with
Exploring your data
DICOM data is divided up into studies, where each study is associated with a patient, a
number of series per study, and a number of images per series. The DICOMBrowser allows
you to select any of these elements by clicking in the relevant panel.
Once you've selected a specific series, which can usually be seen as a single data volume,
you can browse through the images in that series by clicking on the relevant file in the "Image
Files" panel, or by making use of the Ctrl-N Ctrl-P hotkeys for next image and previous image,
or by clicking on the image and then using the mousewheel to move, 1 image at a time,
through the series. Control-Mousewheel will skip 10 images at a time and allows rapid
scrolling through a series.
Loading data for further processing
Once you have identified an interesting series, you can create a DICOMReader module on the
DeVIDE canvas, and then drag directly from the series item or from a selection of filenames
onto the DICOMReader. The DICOMReader will now be configured with the correct filenames
and can be executed to load the data for further processing by DeVIDE networks.
You can also drag a series or selection of files onto most file manager windows (explorer on
Windows, nautilus on Gnome) to copy those files into the destination directory.
Ctrl-N, mousewheel down on image
Next image in series
Ctrl-P, mousewheel up on image
Previous image in series
Ctrl-mousewheel on image
Skip 10 images
Ctrl-0, Ctrl-1
Change view layouts (default, max image)