Flow visualisation with glyphs only on slice3dVWR slices | Previous Top Next |
If a vector dataset is available, such as the one generated by the optical flow procedure described above, the deformation vector field can be visualised by making use of the Filters|glyphs module. However, this module visualises the complete vector field.
One can also visualise only the vectors on the current slices in the slice3dVWR. To do this,
build a network as shown below:
The slice3dVWR outputs a poly data representing the geometry of all current planes. In this
case, we use it as a probe input so that we can visualise arrow glyphs located on the plane.
Remember that the opacity of slices can be adjusted (Slices menu: "Set Opacity'') so that
visualising a background slice along with the deformation vectors on it is easier.