Using Bookmarks

Creative ZEN Neeon 2

Using Bookmarks

You can insert bookmarks during playback. A bookmark helps you mark a point within a track, so you can return to it at a later time.

For example, if you are listening to your recording of an interview, insert a bookmark if you need to stop halfway through. When you want to continue listening from where you left off, go to this bookmark.

You can use up to 10 bookmarks at any one time.

To insert a bookmark

  1. In the Music screen, press the Scroller and Select Set Bookmark. The Bookmarks screen appears.
  • Select a bookmark number.
  • Your bookmark is assigned to the selected bookmark number. If all 10 bookmark numbers have been assigned, you can replace an existing bookmark with the new bookmark.
  • To go to a bookmark

    1. In Music mode, press the scroller
  • Select View Bookmarks.
  • Select the bookmark that you want.