Settings - Appearance (Font)


Settings - Appearance (Font)



Specifies font name.


Specifies font size.


If checked, font will be bold.


If checked, font will be italic.

Extra width

Specifies extra width, in pixels, added to the char width.


Specifies font smoothing.
Good documentation on font rendering can be found here.

Default Use the control panel settings.
None Full-Pixel Bi-Level Rendering.

ClearType Asymmetric Sub-Pixel Anti-Aliasing (“Compatible” Advance Widths).

Natural ClearType Asymmetric Sub-Pixel Anti-Aliasing (“Natural” Advance Widths ).

Antialiased Full-Pixel Anti-Aliasing.

Custom color

Allows you to specify custom font color.
Note: If on, all text will be shown in the selected color. Shell's syntax coloring will be ignored.

Display intensified colors in bold

If Bold is unchecked: chars with intensified foregroung colors (0x8 to 0xF) are displayed using bold font.
If Bold is checked: chars with intensified foregroung colors (0x8 to 0xF) are displayed using non bold font.

Display intensified colors in italic

If Italic is unchecked: chars with intensified foregroung colors (0x8 to 0xF) are displayed using italic font.
If Italic is checked: chars with intensified foregroung colors (0x8 to 0xF) are displayed using non italic font.

Enable typographic ligature

If checked, text rendering will use typographic ligatures defined in the selected font.
Here is a monospaced font with programming ligatures: Fira Code.
Fira Code (with ligatures):

Compare to Fira Mono (without ligatures):