Settings - Appearance (Controls)


Settings - Appearance (Controls)


If Windowed is selected, you are editing control settings available in windowed mode.
If Full screen is selected, you are editing control settings available in full screen mode.

Show menu

Shows/hides main menu.

Show toolbar

Shows/hides toolbar.

Show search bar

Shows/hides search bar.

Show status bar

Shows/hides status bar.

Show scrollbars

If checked, scrollbars will be shown if the underlying console shows them. If not checked, scrollbars will be always hidden.

Show tabs

Shows/hides tabs bar.

Hide single tab

If checked, tabs bar will be hidden if there's only one tab active.

Tabs on bottom

If checked, tabs bar will appear at the bottom of the main window.

Hide icons

If checked, icons are hidden in the tabs bar.

Hide close button

If checked, close button is hidden in the tabs bar.