1.12 CodeBlocks at the command line


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1.12 CodeBlocks at the command line

IDE CodeBlocks can be executed from the command line without a graphic interface. In such a case, there are several switches available for controlling the build process of a project. Since CodeBlocks is thus scriptable, the creation of executables can be integrated into your own work processes.
  codeblocks.exe /na /nd --no-splash-screen --built <name>.cbp --target='Release'
Specifies the project *.cbp filename or workspace *.workspace filename. For instance, <filename> may be project.cbp. Place this argument at the end of the command line, just before the output redirection if there is any.
Open file in Code::Blocks and optionally jump to a specific line.
/h, --help
Shows a help message regarding the command line arguments.
/na, --no-check-associations
Don’t perform any file association checks (Windows only).
/nd, --no-dde
Don’t start a DDE server (Windows only).
/ni, --no-ipc
Don’t start an IPC server (Linux and Mac only).
/ns, --no-splash-screen
Hides the splash screen while the application is loading.
/d, --debug-log
Display the debug log of the application.
Sets the shared data directory prefix.
/p, --personality=<str>, --profile=<str>
Sets the personality to use. You can use ask as the parameter to list all available personalities.
Clean and build the project or workspace.
Build the project or workspace.
Sets target for batch build. For example --target=’Release’.
Keeps the batch log window visible after the batch build is completed.
Shows a message after the batch build is completed.
All plugins are disabled on startup.
> <build log file>
Placed in the very last position of the command line, this may be used to redirect standard output to log file. This is not a codeblock option as such, but just a standard DOS/*nix shell output redirection.

[Previous] 1.11.16  Settings for file extensions
[Next] 1.13  Shortcuts

Created: 2010/25/05 11:52   Updated: 2010/25/05 11:52
Author: HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH
Copyright © 2010 HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH