1.10.6 Symbol view


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1.10.6 Symbol view

The CodeBlocks Management window offers a tree view for symbols of C/C++ sources for navigating via functions or variables. As the scope of this view, you can set the current file or project, or the whole workspace.
Entering a search term or symbol names in the ’Search’ input mask of the Symbol Browser results in a filtered view of the symbols if any hits occurred.
The following categories exist for the symbols:
Global functions
Lists the implementation of global functions.
Global typedefs
Lists the use of typedef definitions.
Global variables
Displays the symbols of global variables.
Preprocessor symbols
Lists the pre-processor directives created by #define.
Global macros
Lists macros of pre-processor directives.

[Figure # 7]
Figure 1.7: Symbol view

Structures and classes are displayed in the ’bottom tree’ and the sort sequence can be modified via the context menu. If a category is selected by mouse-click, the found symbols will be displayed in the lower part of the window (see Figure 1.7). Double-clicking the symbol will open the file in which the symbol is defined or the function implemented, and jumps to the corresponding line. An auto-refresh of the symbol browser without saving a file, can be activated via the menu ’Settings’ /’Editor’ /’Code Completion’ (see Figure 1.8). For projects with many symbols the performance within CodeBlocks will be affected.

[Figure # 8]
Figure 1.8: Enable real-time parsing

In the editor, a list of the classes can be displayed via the context menus ’Insert Class method declaration implementation’ or ’All class methods without implementation’ .

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Created: 2010/25/05 11:52   Updated: 2010/25/05 11:52
Author: HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH
Copyright © 2010 HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH