1.11.13 Including libraries


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1.11.13 Including libraries

In the build options of a project, you can add the used libraries via the ’Add’ button in the ’Link libraries’ entry of the ’Linker Settings’. In doing so, you can either use the absolute path to the library or just give the name without the lib prefix and file extension.
For a library called <path>\libs\lib<name>.a, just write <name>. The linker with the corresponding search paths will then include the libraries correctly.
Another way to include libraries is documented in section 2.10.

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Created: 2010/25/05 11:52   Updated: 2010/25/05 11:52
Author: HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH
Copyright © 2010 HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH