Custom Date Formats

Bulk Rename Utility

Custom Date Formats

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You can append a variety of dates to the filenames, either at the beginning or the end. For example, you could prefix the filenames with their Modified date, or you could suffix them with the Creation date.


A new feature, introduced in version, is the ability to add date and time information in a very flexible manner, using standard formatting codes. The full list of codes is defined below. So for example, if you wanted to suffix the filename with the day name and the month you could enter a custom code of "%a%M".


The full list of codes is:





Abbreviated weekday name


Full Weekday name


Abbreviated month name


Full month name


Day of Month (01-31)


Hour in 24-hour format (00-23)


Hour in 12-hour format (01-12)


Day of Year (01-366)


Month number (01-12)


Minute (00-59)


AM/PM Indicator


Seconds (00-59)


Week number of year (00-53), with Sunday as the first day of the week.


Weekday (0-6), with Sunday=0.


Week number of year (00-53), with Monday as the first day of the week.


Year, with no century indicator (00-99)


Year, with century indicator (e.g. 2004)


Time zone name




Percentage sign


You can enter other text in the filename, and the symbols above will be substituted with the values. So, you could enter a custom value of "Created on %a, %d %B, %Y" to get "Created on Tuesday, 25th March, 2004"