About Bulk Rename Utility

Bulk Rename Utility

About Bulk Rename Utility

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The Bulk Rename Utility was written by Jim Willsher using Visual C++ with the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) architecture. It is a true 32-bit application, designed and built for 32-bit platforms. There is also a 64-bit version (native, 64-bit code) for people running the very latest hardware.


Very special thanks go to Paolo Messina. Paolo provided the source code which makes it easy to create "resizeable" dialogues in MFC, and he also provided the functionality for the "tree" navigator on the left hand side of the utility. But over and above that, Paolo made enhancements to my code and fixed the bugs that I couldn't find. If it wasn't for Paolo then this utility might still be a Visual Basic application!


Thanks also go to Jeff, Nigel, Bill Pratt, David A., Frans, Chris, Neil, Zaine, Karl, Stefan and many others for their excellent suggestions, and testing of new functionality, in the Visual Basic and C++ versions. An application is nothing without input from its users.


Much of the help-file content was provided by Dave Williams. Dave is a user of the utility, so recognises what a user likes to see in a help file. I wrote the software so I know what every function does - but much of it might be completely alien to a new user, which is exactly why Dave's input was so useful!


Neil has provided some excellent feedback, both for bug-fixes and for new suggestions.


The logic for the Tip Of The Day was based upon existing work by Robert Pittenger at www.codeproject.com.


The logic for the Splitter Window was based upon existing work by Maq at www.codeguru.com.


The Regular Expression logic uses the excellent PCRE Library available here.


The EXIF tag extractor is by Davide Pizzolato, based on jhead by Matthias Wandel.


The new icon was very kindly created and supplied by Christoph Mayar.


The installation logic (and lots of moral support!) is provided courtesy of . This provides an extremely lightweight (yet robust) mechanism for installing files. Thanks Ron!




If you have any comments or suggestions about the application, or find any errors in the application, then please get in touch. The latest version of the application can always be downloaded from my website - many mirror sites are out of date, so always use the latest version if you can.


The support website is www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk


Application updates are available from www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk. Alternatively, just click here to visit the application's homepage. You can also use the Check For Updates menu option on the Help menu - this requires an internet connection.



Copyright Jim Willsher 2000-2008.