Settings: Assigning Default Values and Enabling/Disabling features
CAMWorks Nesting provides the facility to define and edit default values, settings, options and populate the dropdown fields.
These values can be defined, set or edited in the initialization files (files with .ini extension) present in the CAMWorks Nesting installation folder.
Location of the Initialization files
All initialization files are located in the CAMWorksNesting installation folder.
A typical installation path will be: C:\CAMWorksNestingData\CAMWorksNesting 2013\Lang\English
The initialization files present in the CAMWorks Nesting folder allows you edit the settings of the following:
Defining default part-to-part distance and part-to-sheet distance
Setting for enabling/disabling the 'Preferential Hole Filling' feature
Setting for enabling/disabling the 'Flattening sheet metal part' option
Setting for enabling/disabling the option of saving the nested layouts in the .dxf format
Settings for enabling/disabling the feature of nesting with multiple tools