Assigning Default Part to Part and Part to Sheet Distance

CWFlexLM License Manager

Assigning Default Part-to-Part & Part-to-Sheet Distance

The default values displayed for Part-to-Part distance and Part-to-Sheet distance are defined in the DefaultValues.ini file.


Editing the Part-to-Part distance and Part-to-Sheet Distance:

  1. Open the file named DefaultValues.ini located in the CAMWorks Installation folder.
  2. Observe the section named [NestingData]. The default values for Part-to-Part Distance and Part-to-Sheet Distance are defined here.
  3. The Part-to-Part Distance and Part-to-Sheet Distance are defined in both MMGS and IPS units. Edit these values to change the default values. (Lines 5 to 8 under [NestingData] section)
  4. For example, consider that a Part-to-Part Distance of 3mm and a Part-to-Sheet Distance of 2mm are to be assigned as new default values in MMGS units. Similarly, a Part-to-Part Distance of 0.125 inch and a Part-to-Sheet Distance of 0.25 inch are to be assigned as new default values in the IPS units.
  5. To apply these changes, the values under [NestingData] in the DefaultValues.ini should be changed as follows:





PartToPartDistance-MM = 3

PartToPartDistance-Inch = 0.1250000

PartToSheetDistance-MM = 2

PartToSheetDistance-Inch = 0.250000