Enabling/Disabling the display of the Multi Head Options tab

CWFlexLM License Manager

Enabling/Disabling the display of the Multi Head Options tab in the Create Nesting Job dialog

The Multi Head Options tab in the Create Nesting Job dialog is the interactive interface that allows you to view/edit the parameters related to Nesting with Multiple Tool Heads. The setting to enable/disable the display of this tab is controlled from the Machine.ini file.

If you wish to execute Nesting jobs using the functionality of Nesting with Multiple Tool Heads, then the display of the Multi Head Options tab in the Create Nesting Job dialog needs to be enabled in order to allow you to edit the parameters associated with Nesting with Multiple Tool heads.

If the functionality of Nesting with Multiple Tool Heads is enabled but the display of the Multi Head Options tab in the Create Nesting Job dialog is disabled, then the nesting job will be executed using default parameters of the default machine defined in the Machine.ini file.


Steps to enable/disable the feature of Nesting with Multiple Tool heads

  1. Open the file named Machine.ini located in the CAMWorksNesting installation folder. Observe the first section named [MultiHeadData].



;Multi head flag; set to True(1) for multi tool head nesting, or else set to False(0)

MultiHeadFlag = 1

;Value to indicate whether Multi head api needs to be shown or not : Yes : 1, No , 0

ShowMultiHeadDialog = 1


  1. The fifth line contains the ShowMultiHeadDialog flag. When MultiHeadFlag is set to ‘1’, the option of nesting with multiple tool heads will be enabled. The 'ShowMultiHeadDialog' flag controls  whether the Multi Head Options tab in the Create Nesting Job dialog will be displayed or not. In other words, it is used to set the option whether a nesting job will be executed interactively using user-specified parameters or with default parameter values assigned to the Default machine in the Machine.ini file.

This is explained as follows:

  • If both the 'MultiHeadFlag' and 'ShowMultiHeadDialog' are set to ‘1’, then the Multi head Options tab is displayed in the Create Nesting Job dialog. This tab allows you to view/edit the parameters for nesting with multiple tool heads. This is the default setting at the time of installation.

  • If the 'MultiHeadFlag' is set to '1' and 'ShowMultiHeadDialog' is set to ‘0’, then the feature of Nesting with Multiple Tool Heads will be active but Multi head Options tab will not be displayed in the Create Nesting Job dialog. Consequently, the next nesting job executed will use the default parameter values  assigned to the Default machine in the Machine.ini file and complete the nesting process.

  • If both the MultiHeadFlag and ShowMultiHeadDialog are set to ‘0’, then the feature of Nesting with Multiple Tool Heads will be disabled and the Multi Head Options tab will not be displayed in the Create Nesting Job dialog.