Select a Print Destination
To choose a default print destination:
On the Sage ERP Accpac desktop, click File > Print Destination.
Select one of the following options:
Printer— to specify the printer using the Print Setup command on the File menu of Sage ERP Accpac forms.
Preview— to view reports on the screen.
File— to export reports to a location and in a format you specify when you print the report..
E-mail— to send the report as an attachment to an e-mail. You must also choose either PDF or RTF format for the attachment.
Select from the following paper settings (or leave them blank to select them each time you print).
Report Orientation— to print each report using its predefined page orientation (landscape or portrait).
Report Paper Size— to print each report using its predefined paper size (number of lines printed).
Use A4 in Place of Letter— to print letter-sized reports on A4-size paper.
Choose a default paper size for reports that print on both legal-size and letter (or A4) paper.
Click OK.