Check/Payment Register Report
The Check/Payment Register lists all payments made from a bank account.
You can view or print payments made from a particular bank for a specified period and from a specified source application. You can specify criteria such as payment types and reconciliation statuses, sorted by Payment Number, Payment Date, or Vendor/Payee Code. You can print the payment details or a payment summary, as well as show missing check numbers.
If you have Print Payment Register security authorization, you can print the Check/Payment Register, even if you have no other rights to perform tasks in Bank Services. (For example, if you are an Accounts Payable clerk, you could print the Check/Payment Register to trace missing checks. If you are an Accounts Receivable Clerk, you could print the Payment Register to follow up on customer refunds.)
When to print
Print this report when you want to view payment activity for a bank account that originated in other applications.
To print the Check/Payment Register
Information printed on this report
If you are printing payment details, the report includes the following information:
Payment Number (for example, a check number, or a transfer number)
Payment/Reversal Date
Source Application
Reconciliation Status
Reconciliation Posted
Vendor/Payee Code
Vendor/Payee Name
Payment Amount
Bank Payment Amount
The report lists payments by payment type for each bank code, and it provides totals for each payment type.
See also