Banks — Check Stocks tab
Use the Check Stocks tab to enter printing information for checks drawn on the bank account.
For each physical check stock you use with this account, you need to:
Enter a code and the next number to assign to checks drawn on this account.
Select the type of stock — whether you are printing combined, sequential, or separate checks and advices.
Select the report specifications for the check and advice forms you use.
You normally keep your reports specifications in the Customization Directory or in the folder for the language associated with the check forms you have specified (for example, in the \ENG folder, if your checks use the English language). When a check is ready to be printed, the Bank Services program searches for the file you name in these folders. If it cannot find the file, you can use Browse to specify the file location.
Select the language that you want to appear on the body of the check. The language you select here is a default; the language set up in individual employee and vendor records takes precedence when you print checks in Accounts Payable and Payroll. You can also change the default at the time of printing, for other types of checks you issue from this bank account.
You can change the information on this tab after saving the bank record.
To add a bank
To see information about another tab on the Banks form, click one of these links: