To convert a text string to a date string and change its format (Procedure)

Autodesk Expression Builder

Using Dates in Expressions
Concept Procedure

To convert a text string to a date string and change its format

  1. Select the command for which you want to create an expression.
  2. Select ToDate from Conversion.
  3. In the ToDate function, do one of the following:
    • Within the parentheses, type a property name.
    • Click Property. In the Property list, select the property to convert.

      Select a text property that represents a date value.

    Convert a text string to a date string.

  4. Optionally, specify the date format .
  5. Specify any further conditions for the expression.

    For information about formulating an expression, see Overview of Creating Expressions .

  6. Click OK to apply the expression.