Autodesk Expression Builder > Creating Expressions For Geospatial Features > Using Expressions to Filter Feature Data > Searching to Select Feature Layers >
Searching to Select Feature Layers
To search for and select part of a feature layer
- If you are filtering by location, zoom the drawing window to the extents of the selected feature class.
- In your map, select the feature layer and select the search command.
- To add more feature layers to the data being searched by the expression, click Add Layer and select the layer to add. To delete a layer, select it in the list and click Delete.
- In
the expression area, use any of the following expression types:
- Location
Condition — Select
one of the Locate On Map options and define
a location in your drawing.
For example, use a location condition to find all manholes in one section of town, all parcels that touch a road, or all water pipes within 100 meters of a road.
- Property
Condition — Selects
all features that have the property value you specify. Insert a
property, an operator, and a value.
For example, to select all pipes with a diameter greater than 10, specify Diameter > 10.
The Property list displays the properties available for this feature class. You can view and insert available values for a property from a list.
Add layers and specify the expression for the search.
- Location
Condition — Select
one of the Locate On Map options and define
a location in your drawing.
- Optionally, add conditions to the expression.
- Validate your expression.
- Click OK to apply the filter.