
AutoCad AutoLISP Functions

  • + (add)

    Returns the sum of all numbers.

  • - (subtract)

    Subtracts the second and following numbers from the first and returns the difference

  • * (multiply)

    Returns the product of all numbers

  • / (divide)

    Divides the first number by the product of the remaining numbers and returns the quotient

  • = (equal to)

    Compares arguments for numerical equality

  • /= (not equal to)

    Compares arguments for numerical inequality

  • < (less than)

    Returns T if each argument is numerically less than the argument to its right; otherwise nil

  • <= (less than or equal to)

    Returns T if each argument is numerically less than or equal to the argument to its right; otherwise returns nil

  • > (greater than)

    Returns T if each argument is numerically greater than the argument to its right; otherwise returns nil

  • >= (greater than or equal to)

    Returns T if each argument is numerically greater than or equal to the argument to its right; otherwise returns nil

  • ~ (bitwise NOT)

    Returns the bitwise NOT (1's complement) of the argument

  • 1+ (increment)

    Increments a number by 1

  • 1- (decrement)

    Decrements a number by 1