L Functions

AutoCad AutoLISP Functions

L Functions
  • lambda

    Defines an anonymous function

  • last

    Returns the last element in a list

  • layoutlist

    Returns a list of all paper space layouts in the current drawing

  • layerstate-addlayers

    Adds or updates a series of layers to a layer state

  • layerstate-delete

    Deletes a layer state

  • layerstate-export

    Exports a layer state to a specified file

  • layerstate-getlayers

    Returns the layers saved in a layer state

  • layerstate-has

    Checks if a layer state is present

  • layerstate-import

    Imports a layer state from a specified file

  • layerstate-rename

    Renames a layer state

  • layerstate-restore

    Restores a layer state into the current drawing

  • layerstate-save

    Saves a layer state in the current drawing

  • length

    Returns an integer indicating the number of elements in a list

  • list

    Takes any number of expressions and combines them into one list

  • listp

    Verifies that an item is a list

  • load

    Evaluates the AutoLISP expressions in a file

  • load_dialog

    Loads a DCL file

  • log

    Returns the natural log of a number as a real number

  • logand

    Returns the result of the logical bitwise AND of a list of integers

  • logior

    Returns the result of the logical bitwise inclusive OR of a list of integers

  • lsh

    Returns the logical bitwise shift of an integer by a specified number of bits