
AutoCad AutoLISP Functions


Constructs and returns a list

(vl-list*  object[object]...)



Any LISP object.

Return Values

The vl-list* function is similar to list, but it will place the last object in the final cdr of the result list. If the last argument to vl-list* is an atom, the result is a dotted list. If the last argument is a list, its elements are appended to all previous arguments added to the constructed list. The possible return values from vl-list* are

  • An atom, if a single atom object is specified.
  • A dotted pair, if all object arguments are atoms.
  • A dotted list, if the last argument is an atom and neither of the previous conditions is true.
  • A list, if none of the previous statements is true.


_$ (vl-list* 1)
_$ (vl-list* 0 "text")
(0 . "TEXT") 
_$ (vl-list* 1 2 3)
(1 2 . 3) 
_$ (vl-list* 1 2 '(3 4))
(1 2 3 4)
See Also
    • The list function.