Table of contents
- AutoLISP Functions
- Operators
- + (add)
- - (subtract)
- * (multiply)
- / (divide)
- = (equal to)
- /= (not equal to)
- < (less than)
- <= (less than or equal to)
- > (greater than)
- >= (greater than or equal to)
- ~ (bitwise NOT)
- 1+ (increment)
- 1- (decrement)
- A Functions
- abs
- acad_colordlg
- acad_helpdlg
- acad-pop-dbmod
- acad-push-dbmod
- acad_strlsort
- acad_truecolorcli
- acad_truecolordlg
- acdimenableupdate
- acet-layerp-mode
- acet-layerp-mark
- acet-laytrans
- acet-ms-to-ps
- acet-ps-to-ms
- action_tile
- add_list
- alert
- alloc
- and
- angle
- angtof
- angtos
- append
- apply
- arx
- arxload
- arxunload
- ascii
- assoc
- atan
- atof
- atoi
- atom
- atoms-family
- autoarxload
- autoload
- B Functions
- Boole
- boundp
- C Functions
- caddr
- cadr
- car
- cdr
- chr
- client_data_tile
- close
- command
- cond
- cons
- cos
- cvunit
- D Functions
- defun
- defun-q
- defun-q-list-ref
- defun-q-list-set
- dictadd
- dictnext
- dictremove
- dictrename
- dictsearch
- dimx_tile
- dimy_tile
- distance
- distof
- done_dialog
- E Functions
- end_image
- end_list
- entdel
- entget
- entlast
- entmake
- entmakex
- entmod
- entnext
- entsel
- entupd
- eq
- equal
- *error*
- eval
- exit
- exp
- expand
- expt
- F Functions
- fill_image
- findfile
- fix
- float
- foreach
- function
- G Functions
- gc
- gcd
- get_attr
- get_tile
- getangle
- getcfg
- getcname
- getcorner
- getdist
- getenv
- getfiled
- getint
- getkword
- getorient
- getpoint
- getreal
- getstring
- getvar
- graphscr
- grclear
- grdraw
- grread
- grtext
- grvecs
- H Functions
- handent
- help
- I Functions
- if
- initdia
- initget
- inters
- itoa
- L Functions
- lambda
- last
- layoutlist
- layerstate-addlayers
- layerstate-delete
- layerstate-export
- layerstate-getlayers
- layerstate-has
- layerstate-import
- layerstate-rename
- layerstate-restore
- layerstate-save
- length
- list
- listp
- load
- load_dialog
- log
- logand
- logior
- lsh
- M Functions
- mapcar
- max
- mem
- member
- menucmd
- menugroup
- min
- minusp
- mode_tile
- N Functions
- namedobjdict
- nentsel
- nentselp
- new_dialog
- not
- nth
- null
- numberp
- O Functions
- open
- or
- osnap
- P Functions
- polar
- prin1
- princ
- progn
- prompt
- Q Functions
- quit
- quote
- R Functions
- read
- read-char
- read-line
- redraw
- regapp
- rem
- repeat
- reverse
- rtos
- S Functions
- set
- set_tile
- setcfg
- setenv
- setfunhelp
- setq
- setvar
- setview
- sin
- slide_image
- snvalid
- sqrt
- ssadd
- ssdel
- ssget
- ssgetfirst
- sslength
- ssmemb
- ssname
- ssnamex
- sssetfirst
- startapp
- start_dialog
- start_image
- start_list
- strcase
- strcat
- strlen
- subst
- substr
- T Functions
- tablet
- tblnext
- tblobjname
- tblsearch
- term_dialog
- terpri
- textbox
- textpage
- textscr
- trace
- trans
- type
- U Functions
- unload_dialog
- untrace
- V Functions
- vector_image
- ver
- vl-acad-defun
- vl-acad-undefun
- vl-arx-import
- vl-bb-ref
- vl-bb-set
- vl-catch-all-apply
- vl-catch-all-error-message
- vl-catch-all-error-p
- vl-cmdf
- vl-consp
- vl-directory-files
- vl-doc-export
- vl-doc-import
- vl-doc-ref
- vl-doc-set
- vl-every
- vl-exit-with-error
- vl-exit-with-value
- vl-file-copy
- vl-file-delete
- vl-file-directory-p
- vl-file-rename
- vl-file-size
- vl-file-systime
- vl-filename-base
- vl-filename-directory
- vl-filename-extension
- vl-filename-mktemp
- vl-get-resource
- vl-list*
- vl-list->string
- vl-list-exported-functions
- vl-list-length
- vl-list-loaded-vlx
- vl-load-all
- vl-load-com
- vl-load-reactors
- vl-mkdir
- vl-member-if
- vl-member-if-not
- vl-position
- vl-prin1-to-string
- vl-princ-to-string
- vl-propagate
- vl-registry-delete
- vl-registry-descendents
- vl-registry-read
- vl-registry-write
- vl-remove
- vl-remove-if
- vl-remove-if-not
- vl-some
- vl-sort
- vl-sort-i
- vl-string->list
- vl-string-elt
- vl-string-left-trim
- vl-string-mismatch
- vl-string-position
- vl-string-right-trim
- vl-string-search
- vl-string-subst
- vl-string-translate
- vl-string-trim
- vl-symbol-name
- vl-symbol-value
- vl-symbolp
- vl-unload-vlx
- vl-vbaload
- vl-vbarun
- vl-vlx-loaded-p
- vlax-3D-point
- vlax-add-cmd
- vlax-create-object
- vlax-curve-getArea
- vlax-curve-getClosestPointTo
- vlax-curve-getClosestPointToProjection
- vlax-curve-getDistAtParam
- vlax-curve-getDistAtPoint
- vlax-curve-getEndParam
- vlax-curve-getEndPoint
- vlax-curve-getFirstDeriv
- vlax-curve-getParamAtDist
- vlax-curve-getParamAtPoint
- vlax-curve-getPointAtDist
- vlax-curve-getPointAtParam
- vlax-curve-getSecondDeriv
- vlax-curve-getStartParam
- vlax-curve-getStartPoint
- vlax-curve-isClosed
- vlax-curve-isPeriodic
- vlax-curve-isPlanar
- vlax-dump-object
- vlax-ename->vla-object
- vlax-erased-p
- vlax-for
- vlax-get-acad-object
- vlax-get-object
- vlax-get-or-create-object
- vlax-get-property
- vlax-import-type-library
- vlax-invoke-method
- vlax-ldata-delete
- vlax-ldata-get
- vlax-ldata-list
- vlax-ldata-put
- vlax-ldata-test
- vlax-make-safearray
- vlax-make-variant
- vlax-map-collection
- vlax-method-applicable-p
- vlax-object-released-p
- vlax-product-key
- vlax-property-available-p
- vlax-put-property
- vlax-read-enabled-p
- vlax-release-object
- vlax-remove-cmd
- vlax-safearray-fill
- vlax-safearray-get-dim
- vlax-safearray-get-element
- vlax-safearray-get-l-bound
- vlax-safearray-get-u-bound
- vlax-safearray-put-element
- vlax-safearray-type
- vlax-safearray->list
- vlax-tmatrix
- vlax-typeinfo-available-p
- vlax-variant-change-type
- vlax-variant-type
- vlax-variant-value
- vlax-vla-object->ename
- vlax-write-enabled-p
- vlisp-compile
- vlr-acdb-reactor
- vlr-add
- vlr-added-p
- vlr-beep-reaction
- vlr-command-reactor
- vlr-current-reaction-name
- vlr-data
- vlr-data-set
- vlr-deepclone-reactor
- vlr-docmanager-reactor
- vlr-dwg-reactor
- vlr-dxf-reactor
- vlr-editor-reactor
- vlr-insert-reactor
- vlr-linker-reactor
- vlr-lisp-reactor
- vlr-miscellaneous-reactor
- vlr-mouse-reactor
- vlr-notification
- vlr-object-reactor
- vlr-owner-add
- vlr-owner-remove
- vlr-owners
- vlr-pers
- vlr-pers-list
- vlr-pers-p
- vlr-pers-release
- vlr-reaction-name
- vlr-reaction-set
- vlr-reactions
- vlr-reactors
- vlr-remove
- vlr-remove-all
- vlr-set-notification
- vlr-sysvar-reactor
- vlr-toolbar-reactor
- vlr-trace-reaction
- vlr-type
- vlr-types
- vlr-undo-reactor
- vlr-wblock-reactor
- vlr-window-reactor
- vlr-xref-reactor
- vports
- W Functions
- wcmatch
- while
- write-char
- write-line
- X Functions
- xdroom
- xdsize
- Z Functions
- zerop
- Externally Defined Commands
- alignALIGN commandcommands:ALIGN
- calcommands:CAL
- mirror3dcommands:MIRROR3DMIRROR3D command
- rotate3dcommands:ROTATE3D
- solprofcommands:SOLPROFSOLPROF command