Frequently Asked Questions

AutoCAD Civil Object Enabler

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about Object Enabler installation and usage are addressed in the following topics.

NoteYou can find the latest information about the Object Enablers at

What is the Civil Object Enabler?

The Civil Object Enabler is a utility that gives customers of AutoCAD 2009 based products the ability to view and perform limited editing on AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 objects. With the Civil Object Enabler, any user with these AutoCAD 2009 based products can have full compatibility with AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 objects.

Can the Civil Object Enabler be installed on a version of AutoCAD prior to 2009?

No. The Civil Object Enabler can only be installed on AutoCAD 2009 based products.

Do I have to install the Civil Object Enabler in order to view AutoCAD Civil 3D drawings in AutoCAD based applications?

No. The AutoCAD proxy graphic mechanism (starting with AutoCAD R13) allows viewing of AutoCAD Civil 3D objects in AutoCAD or other Autodesk products that can read drawing files. Be sure you turn on proxy graphics before you save your drawings in Civil 3D.

How is the Civil Object Enabler different from proxy graphics?

The Civil Object Enabler does not replace the proxy graphics mechanism of interoperability. Proxy graphics remains a valuable “common denominator” of interoperability across the Autodesk product line. The Civil Object Enabler provides a more robust level of compatibility for AutoCAD users.

How do I use the Civil Object Enabler?

Once installed, the Civil Object Enabler works automatically with your existing AutoCAD configuration. If you open a drawing file containing AutoCAD Civil 3D objects, they are “live” and you are able to edit them directly using AutoCAD commands. There are no menus, toolbars, or command-line features. The power of the Civil Object Enabler is the ability to use existing and familiar AutoCAD commands on AutoCAD Civil 3D objects without the need to learn new functionality.

Can I create intelligent objects using the Civil Object Enabler on AutoCAD 2009?

There are no commands to create new objects using AutoCAD 2009 and the Civil Object Enabler. Copying existing objects, however, is supported for a majority of objects, and objects retain their intelligence.

How do I install the Civil Object Enabler?

The Civil Object Enabler is available on your product media. In addition, you can download the most current version from the Autodesk web site at

How do I distribute the Civil Object Enabler install?

The Civil Object Enabler is a freeware application that you can distribute to anyone who wants to view your drawings. However, the Civil Object Enabler alone cannot display your drawings. You must have an installed copy of AutoCAD 2009 or an AutoCAD 2009 based product.

How do I verify that the Civil Object Enabler is installed properly?

When you install the Civil Object Enabler, it is added to the Add/Remove Programs list in the Windows Control Panel.

Are there any AutoCAD variables that affect the Civil Object Enabler?

When you are using the Civil Object Enabler, it is recommended that you use the Object Detect And Command Invoke option in AutoCAD Options.

To select the Object Detect And Command Invoke option

  1. Enter OPTIONS at the AutoCAD command line to display the AutoCAD Options dialog box.
  2. Click the Open And Save tab.
  3. Under ObjectARX Applications and Demand Load ObjectARX Apps, select Object Detect And Command Invoke.

This option checks for any custom objects that exist in a drawing and loads the parent ARX/DBX application.

NoteWhen you want to use the Civil Object Enabler to view custom objects, set the Demand Load ObjectARX Apps option to Custom Object Detect (1) or Object Detect and Command Invoke (3).