All toolbar items share the following properties:
- Tagstring
A tag, or name tag, is a string consisting of alphanumeric and underscore (_) characters. This string uniquely identifies the toolbar item within a given toolbar. A new tag is assigned automatically when a toolbar item is created.
You can read or write the value of a tag by using the Tagstring property.
- Name
- Macro
A macro is a series of commands that executes specific actions when a toolbar item is selected. Macros can simply be recordings of keystrokes that accomplish a task, or they can be a complex combination of commands, AutoLISP, DIESEL, or ActiveX programming code.
You can read or write the value of a macro by using the Macro property.
- HelpString
- Index
The index of a toolbar item specifies the position of that toolbar item on the toolbar to which it belongs. The index position of a toolbar always begins with position 0. For example, if the item is the first item on a toolbar, it will have an index position of 0. If it is the second item on a toolbar, it will have an index position of 1, and so on.
You can read the index position of a toolbar item by using the Index property.
- Type
A toolbar item can be one of the following types: a regular toolbar button, a separator, a flyout toolbar button, or a special control element. If the item is a regular toolbar button, this property returns acButton. If the item is a separator, this property returns acToolButtonSeparator. If the item is a flyout button, this property returns acFlyout. If the item is a special control element, this property returns acControl.
You can determine the type of a toolbar item by using the Type property.
- Flyout
If the toolbar item is of the type acFlyout, this property returns the toolbar that is attached as the flyout toolbar. The flyout toolbar is returned as a Toolbar object.
If the menu item is not of the type acFlyout, this property returns NULL.
You can find the flyout toolbar of a toolbar item by using the Flyout property.
- Parent
- Toolbar Properties