Bug Reporting

pgAdmin III

Bug Reporting

If you think you encountered a bug in pgAdmin III, please check the following:

  • Is this behaviour expected? Have a look at the FAQs.
  • Is this bug already reported? Check the known bugs.
  • Are you running the latest version from the beta website? If not, try the newest stuff.

Ahh, so you’ve found a new one then?

Post your report to the support mailing list, and include the following informations:

  • Platform you’re running on
  • Language
  • Distribution you used (source tarball, or binary)
  • Version you tested
  • If possible and appropriate, include a backtrace from the crash. You may need to recompile wxWidgets and pgAdmin with the –enable-debug option to do this.

Please do not send an email directly to one of the programmers; they might miss it, or even be the wrong person altogether.

Using the mailing list guarantees that your request isn’t lost and will be answered in a timely fashion.

After a bug has been reported on the mailing list as being fixed, it might take one or two days until it has made it into the distribution tarballs, please be patient.

Thanks for giving pgAdmin3 a chance!

The pgAdmin Development Team