

Some Useful Links

Free Compilers and Tools

Dev-C++ Dev-C++ is a Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for  C/C++. It includes the MinGW port of GCC as it's compiler.
Code::Blocks Code::Blocks is an IDE for C/C++.  It includes the MinGW port of GCC, and also supports the MS Visual Toolkit, and the free command line compiler from Borland.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Express A free C++ Win32 compiler and IDE from Microsoft.
Borland C++ Builder A free C++ Win32 compiler from Borland.  You will need to register before downloading.
ResEdit A free Resource Editor for Win32 programs.
GDIView A utility that displays list a of GDI handles used by each process. It's useful for spotting GDI leaks.
Visual Leak Detector An open-source memory leak detection system for Visual C++.

Tutorials and References

MSDN The Microsoft Developers Network.  Microsoft's online reference.
MS Platform SDK Provides the documentation, samples, header files, libraries, and tools designed to help you develop Windows applications (XP and below).
MS Windows SDK Provides the documentation, samples, header files, libraries, and tools designed to help you develop Windows applications (Vista and above).
MS DirectX SDK Contains the additional header files and libraries for DirectX programming.
SourceForge SourceForge hosts a large collection of open source projects.
Code Project Forums and Code samples for software developers.
Cfanatic A forum for C, Win32, C++, MFC, C# developers. Reliable Software A Win32 tutorial for advanced C++ users.
the Forger A Win32 tutorial for C++.
FunctionX A Win32 programming reference, by FunctionX.
Dev-C++ Resource Site API references, tutorials, online resources, documentation downloads, etc. about C/C++ and Win32 programming. Thinking in C++ Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition. An excellent book on C++ by Bruce Eckel. Available Online. Google Internet Search Engine. Wikipedia Web based encyclopedia. C++ FAQ C++ Frequently Asked Questions