

CTabbedMDI Class


CTabbedMDI class combines many of the features of a MDI Frame and a tab control.  Each MDI child is displayed as a separate tab page.  Buttons which allow the MDI children to be listed or closed are displayed to the right of the tabs.  The tabs can be displayed either at the top or bottom of the window.

CTabbedMDI Members


Constructor for CTabbedMDI
virtual CWnd* AddMDIChild(WndPtr pView, LPCTSTR szTabText, int idMDIChild = 0);
Adds a MDI tab, given a pointer to the view window, and the tab's text. CloseActiveMDI
virtual void CloseActiveMDI();
Closes the active MDI child CloseAllMDIChildren
virtual void CloseAllMDIChildren();
Closes all MDI children CloseMDIChild
virtual void CloseMDIChild(int nTab);
Closes the MDI child, given the tab's index. GetActiveMDIChild
virtual CWnd* GetActiveMDIChild() const;
Retrieves a pointer to the active MDI child's view window. GetActiveMDITab
virtual int GetActiveMDITab() const;
Retrieves the index of the current active MDI tab. GetListMenu
virtual HMENU GetListMenu() const
Retrieves a pointer to the MDI child's view window, give the tab's index. GetMDIChild
virtual CWnd* GetMDIChild(int nTab) const;
Retrieves a pointer to the MDI child's view window, give the tab's index. GetMDIChildCount
virtual int GetMDIChildCount() const;
Retrieves the number of MDI children. GetMDIChildID
virtual int GetMDIChildID(int nTab) const;
Retrieves the MDI child's ID, given the tab's index. GetMDIChildTitle
virtual LPCTSTR GetMDIChildTitle(int nTab) const;
Retrieves the MDI child's text, given the tab's index GetTab
virtual CTab* GetTab() const;
Returns a pointer to the TabbedMDI's tab control. LoadRegistrySettings
virtual BOOL LoadRegistrySettings(CString strRegistryKeyName);
Loads the TabbedMDI information from the registry. RecalcLayout
virtual void RecalcLayout();
Repositions the child windows of the TabbedMDI window. SaveRegistrySettings
virtual BOOL SaveRegistrySettings(CString strRegistryKeyName);
Saves the TabbedMDI information in the registry SetActiveMDIChild
virtual void SetActiveMDIChild(CWnd* pWnd);
Sets the active MDI child, given its view window. SetActiveMDITab
virtual void SetActiveMDITab(int nTab);
Sets the active MDI child given its tab index.


virtual CWnd* NewMDIChildFromID(int idMDIChild);
Override this function to create a new Docker given its TabbedMDI ID.
virtual void OnCreate() ;
Called when the TabbedMDI window is created.
virtual void OnDestroy(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
Called when the TabbedMDI window is destroyed.
virtual LRESULT OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
Called when the TabbedMDI recieves a notification.
virtual void OnWindowPosChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
Called when the TabbedMDI window is resized or repositioned.


The following example demonstrates how to toggle the MDI tab position between the top and bottom of the window.

void CMainFrame::OnMDITabsAtTop()
// Toggle the TabbedMDI's tabs between the top to bottom of window
  CTabbedMDI* pTabbedMDI = m_DockTabbedMDI.GetTabbedMDI();

  BOOL bTop = pTabbedMDI->GetTab().GetTabsAtTop();
  // Set the menu checkmark
  ::CheckMenuItem(GetFrameMenu(), IDM_TABBEDMDI_TOP, uCheck);

The following example demonstrates how to add MDI children to the TabbedMDI control.

void CMainFrame::LoadDefaultMDIs()
  // Add some MDI tabs
  CTabbedMDI* pTabbedMDI = (CTabbedMDI*)m_DockTabbedMDI.GetView();
  pTabbedMDI->AddMDIChild(new CViewSimple, _T("Simple View"), ID_MDI_SIMPLE);
  pTabbedMDI->AddMDIChild(new CViewRect, _T("Rectangles"), ID_MDI_RECT);
  pTabbedMDI->AddMDIChild(new CViewText, _T("TextView"), ID_MDI_TEXT);
  pTabbedMDI->AddMDIChild(new CViewClasses, _T("Classes"), ID_MDI_CLASSES);
  pTabbedMDI->AddMDIChild(new CViewFiles, _T("Files"), ID_MDI_FILES);
Base class Members

For base class members, refer to the members of CWnd.


Refer to the DockTabbedMDI sample for a demonstration of the use of CTabbedMDI.

Summary Information

Header file tab.h
Win32/64 support Yes
WinCE support Yes
Library required Comctl32.lib