

CAnimation Class


The CAnimation class adds support for the Animation control. An animation control is a rectangular window that displays an AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) format. An AVI clip is a series of bitmap frames, like a movie. Animation controls can only display AVI clips that do not contain audio.

Refer to the documentation that ships with the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit for more information on the use of animation controls. 

CAnimation Members

Constructs a CAnimation control.
BOOL Close() const;
Closes an AVI clip. Open
BOOL Open(LPTSTR lpszName) const;
Opens an AVI clip and displays its first frame in an animation control. Play
BOOL Play(UINT uFrom, UINT uTo, UINT cRepeat) const;
Plays an AVI clip in an animation control. The control plays the clip in the background while the thread continues executing. Seek
BOOL Seek(UINT uFrame) const;
Directs an animation control to display a particular frame of an AVI clip. The control displays the clip in the background while the thread continues executing. Stop
BOOL Stop() const;
Stops playing an AVI clip in an animation control.   Overridables PreRegisterClass
virtual void PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS &wc);
Set the window class parameters before the window is created.
Base class Members

For base class members, refer to the members of CWnd.


The AVI clip can be added to the application as a resource, or it can be separate file.  Only simple AVI files supported by the Windows API animation control can be played.

Summary Information

Header file controls.h
Win32/64 support Yes
WinCE support Yes
Library required Comctl32.lib