CDocker Class |
The CDocker class adds both docking and splitter windows to the Win32++ framework. Splitter windows have a subset of the functionality of docking windows. Splitter windows are child windows that can be dynamically re-sized. Docking windows have this feature too, but they also allow windows to be docked and undocked.
CDocker Members
CDocker | CDocker();Constructor for CDocker. |
virtual CDocker* AddDockedChild(CDocker* pDocker, DWORD dwDockStyle, int DockWidth, int nDockID = 0);Adds the specified Docker as a docked child.
virtual CDocker* AddUndockedChild(CDocker* pDocker, DWORD dwDockStyle, int DockWidth, RECT rc, int nDockID = 0);Adds the specified Docker as an undocked member of this docking group.
virtual void Close();Closes the Docker.
virtual void CloseAllDockers();Closes all Dock children.
virtual void Dock(CDocker* pDocker, UINT uDockSide);Docks the Docker to the side of another Docker.
virtual void DockInContainer(CDocker* pDock, DWORD dwDockStyle);Docks the Container inside another Container (by adding a tab).
virtual CDocker* GetActiveDocker() const;Returns the docker whose child window has focus.
std::vector <CDocker*> * GetAllDockers() const;Returns a pointer to the vector containing pointers to all Dockers in this docking group.
int GetBarWidth() const;Returns the width of the Docker's splitter bar.
CString& GetCaption() const;Returns the Docker's caption text.
virtual CDockContainer* GetContainer() const;Returns a pointer to the container used as the Docker's view. If the view is not a container, this function returns NULL.
virtual CDocker* GetDockAncestor() const;Returns a pointer to the Dock Ancestor of this docking group.
virtual CDockBar* GetDockBar() const;
Returns a pointer to
this docker's splitter bar.std::vector <CDocker*> * GetDockChildren() const;Returns a pointer to the vector containing pointers to all of this docker's dock children.
virtual CDockClient* GetDockClient() const;Returns a pointer to the Window of this docker's client area. The dock caption an view window are child windows of the dock client.
virtual CDocker* GetDockFromID(int n_DockID) const;Returns a pointer to the docker, given its ID.
virtual CDocker* GetDockFromPoint(POINT pt) const;Returns a pointer to the Docker whose Dock client area includes the specified point .
virtual CDocker* GetDockFromView(CWnd* pView) const;Returns a pointer to the Docker which has the the specified view window.
virtual CDockHint* GetDockHint() const;Returns a pointer to the Docker's hint window. The hint window as a blue tint and is displayed during dock dragging.
int GetDockID() const;Return the ID of this Docker.
CDocker* GetDockParent() const;Returns the Dock Parent of this Docker.
DWORD GetDockStyle() const;Returns the dock style of this Docker.
virtual int GetDockWidth() const;Returns the width of a docker which is dock to the left or right of another docker, or its height if docked to the top or bottom.
virtual CTabbedMDI* GetTabbedMDI() const;Returns a TabbedMDI pointer to the view window of this docker, or NULL if the view window is not a TabbedMDI.
virtual CDocker* GetTopmostDocker() const;Returns the top level Dock parent of this Docker. Any undocked Docker (not just the Dock Ancestor) can be a top level Dock parent.
CWnd* GetView() const;Returns a pointer to the view window of this docker.
virtual CRect GetViewRect() const;Returns a CRect containing the dimensions of the view window.
virtual void Hide();Undocks the Docker (if necessary) and hides it.
BOOL IsChildOfDocker(HWND hwnd) const;Returns TRUE if the specified window handle is a decendant of this docker.
BOOL IsDocked() const;Returns TRUE if this Docker is docked within another Docker.
BOOL IsDragAutoResize() const;Returns the TRUE of the dockers will be automatically re-arrange as the splitter bar is moved.
BOOL IsRelated(HWND hWnd) const;Returns TRUE if the specified Docker is in this docker family. Dockers in the same dock family share the one dock ancestor.
BOOL IsUndocked() const;Returns TRUE if the docker is Undocked. The dock ancestor is always undocked, but other dockers can dock within it.
virtual BOOL LoadDockRegistrySettings(LPCTSTR szRegistryKeyName);Adds dockers to the dock ancestor according to the docking information stored in the registry.
virtual void RecalcDockLayout();Recalculates and repositions all dockers which are dock decendants of this docker's top level dock parent.
virtual BOOL SaveDockRegistrySettings(LPCTSTR szRegistryKeyName);Saves the docking styles, state and position in the registry.
void SetBarColor(COLORREF color);Sets the color of the splitter bar.
void SetBarWidth(int nWidth);Sets the width of the splitter.
void SetCaption(LPCTSTR szCaption);Sets the dock caption text.
vvoid SetCaptionColors(COLORREF Foregnd1, COLORREF Backgnd1, COLORREF ForeGnd2, COLORREF BackGnd2);Sets the caption's foreground and background colours.
void SetCaptionHeight(int nHeight);Sets the caption's height.
void SetDockStyle(DWORD dwDockStyle);Set the dock style.
void SetDockWidth(int DockWidth);Sets the width of a docker docked to the left or right of its parent, or the height of the docker docked to the top or bottom.
void SetDragAutoResize(BOOL bAutoResize);Set the DragAutoSize mode. When TRUE, dockers will be automatically re-arranged as the splitter bar is moved. When FALSE the dockers will be re-arranged when the splitter bar dragging is complete.
void SetView(CWnd& wndView);Sets the view window for the docker.
virtual void Undock(CPoint pt, BOOL bShowUndocked = TRUE);Undocks the Docker and positions it at the specified point.
virtual void UndockContainer(CDockContainer* pContainer, CPoint pt, BOOL bShowUndocked);Undocks the Container and positions it at the specified point.
virtual BOOL VerifyDockers();A built in diagnostic which verifies the integrity of the docking hierarchy.
NewDockerFromID | virtual CDocker* NewDockerFromID(int idDock);Override this function to create a new Docker given its docker ID. |
OnActivate | virtual void OnActivate(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called when the window is activated or deactivated. |
OnBarEnd | virtual LRESULT OnBarEnd(LPDRAGPOS pdp);Called when the repositioning of the splitter bar is complete. |
OnBarMove | virtual LRESULT OnBarMove(LPDRAGPOS pdp);Called when the splitter bar is moved. |
OnBarStart | virtual LRESULT OnBarStart(LPDRAGPOS pdp);Called when the splitter bar is about to be repositioned. |
OnCreate | virtual void OnCreate();Called when the window is created. |
OnDestroy | virtual void OnDestroy(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called when the window is destroyed. |
OnDockActivated | virtual LRESULT OnDockActivated(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called when a docker is activated or deactivated. |
OnDockDestroyed | virtual void OnDockDestroyed(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called when the docker is destroyed. |
OnDockEnd | virtual LRESULT OnDockEnd(LPDRAGPOS pdp);Called when docker has been docked. |
OnDockMove | virtual LRESULT OnDockMove(LPDRAGPOS pdp);Called when an undocked docker is being moved. |
OnDockSetFocus | virtual LRESULT OnDockSetFocus();Called when a child docker gets focus. |
OnDockStart | virtual LRESULT OnDockStart(LPDRAGPOS pdp);Called when undocking is about to start. |
OnExitSizeMove | virtual void OnExitSizeMove(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called after the window has completed a resize or move. |
OnNotify | virtual LRESULT OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called when the window receives a notification. |
OnNCLButtonDblClk | virtual LRESULT OnNCLButtonDblClk(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called when the non-client area recieves a left button double click. |
OnSysColorChange | virtual void OnSysColorChange(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called when a change is made to a system color setting. |
OnSysCommand | virtual LRESULT OnSysCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called when the window is minimized, maximized, restored or closed. |
OnTimer | virtual LRESULT OnTimer(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called when the timer has expired. |
OnWindowPosChanged | virtual void OnWindowPosChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called after the window position has changed. |
OnWindowPosChanging | virtual LRESULT OnWindowPosChanging(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);Called before the window position has changed. |
PreCreate | virtual void PreCreate(CREATESTRUCT &cs);Sets the window creation parameters. |
PreRegisterClass | virtual void PreRegisterClass(WNDCLASS &wc);Sets the window class parameters. |
PreTranslateMessage |
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG Msg);This functions is called by the MessageLoop. It processes the keyboard accelerator keys and calls CWnd::PreTranslateMessage for keyboard and mouse events. |
Base class Members
For base class members, refer to the members of CWnd.
Refer to the Docking section for information on how to use CDocker to create splitter windows and docking windows.
Summary Information
Header file | docking.h |
Win32/64 support | Yes |
WinCE support | Yes |