

CResizer Class


The CResizer class can be used to automatically rearrange the position of child windows when the parent window is resized. Typically this is used to reposition the controls for a dialog.

CResizer Members

Constructor for the CResizer.
virtual void AddChild(CWnd* pWnd, Alignment corner, DWORD dwStyle);
virtual void AddChild(HWND hWnd, Alignment corner, DWORD dwStyle);
Adds a child window to be managed by the CResizer. GetMinRect
CRect GetMinRect() const;
Returns the minimum allowed rectangle. GetMaxRect
CRect GetMaxRect() const;
Returns the maximum allowed rectangle. HandleMessage
virtual void HandleMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
Performs the resizing and scrolling. Call this function from within the window's DialogProc. Initialize
virtual void Initialize(CWnd* pParent, RECT rcMin, RECT rcMax = CRect(0,0,0,0));
Specifies the parent window, as well as its minimum and maximum size. RecalcLayout
virtual void RecalcLayout();
Repositions the child windows.


To use the CResizer class to manage the position of child windows, perform the following steps.

  • Use Initialize to specify the parent window, along with the minimum and maximum permitted sizes.
  • Use AddChild for each child window we wish to manage.
  • Call HandleMessage from within DialogProc or WndProc to pass messages on to CResizer

The following code demonstrates how to initialize CResizer for a dialog.

BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
    // Perform other tasks ...

    // Initialize dialog resizing
    m_Resizer.Initialize( this, CRect(0, 0, 300, 200) ); 
    m_Resizer.AddChild(m_RadioA,   topleft, 0);
    m_Resizer.AddChild(m_RadioB,   topleft, 0);
    m_Resizer.AddChild(m_RadioC,   topleft, 0);
    m_Resizer.AddChild(m_Button,   topleft, 0);
    m_Resizer.AddChild(m_CheckA,   bottomright, 0);
    m_Resizer.AddChild(m_CheckB,   bottomright, 0);
    m_Resizer.AddChild(m_CheckC,   bottomright, 0);
    m_Resizer.AddChild(m_RichEdit1, topright, RD_STRETCH_WIDTH);
    m_Resizer.AddChild(m_RichEdit2, bottomleft, RD_STRETCH_WIDTH| RD_STRETCH_HEIGHT);
    return true;

The following code shows how to add the CResizer message handling.

INT_PTR CMyDialog::DialogProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    // Pass resizing messages on to the resizer
    m_Resizer.HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam);

//  switch (uMsg)
//  {
//      Additional messages to be handled go here
//  }

    // Pass unhandled messages on to parent DialogProc
    return DialogProcDefault(uMsg, wParam, lParam);

Summary Information

Header file dialog.h
Win32/64 support Yes
WinCE support Yes