StrFormat,REPLACE,<%string%>,<CharsToReplace>,<ReplacementChars>, <%VarResult%>
Will "replace" a given number of characters inside a given string. It is not case sensitive.
- For a case sensitive version of this command, use (REPLACEX)
Set,%a%,BROWN Set,%b%,yellow Set,%source%,"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" StrFormat,REPLACE,%source%,%a%,%b%,%VarResult% StrFormat,REPLACEX,%source%,%a%,%b%,%VarResultSens%
In the first example we replace (case insensitive) brown by yellow resulting in new string being written to %VarResult%:
The quick yellow fox jumps over the lazy dog
In the second command, there is nothing replaced, because uppercase brown is not found, resulting the original string being placed into %VarResultSens%: - i.e.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog