


Create shortcuts on the desktop, quicklaunch bar or start menu.


Add_Shortcut,[Type],[StartMenuFolder],[FullFileName],[Title],[Work Folder],

Parameters ( * not supported by Vista / Win7 )

1TypeDefine the type of shortcut
Desktop - Place an icon on the desktop
StartMenu - Place an icon in the StartMenu\Programs (default value)
QuickLaunch - Add an icon to the Quick Launch bar
SendTo*- Add an icon on the right-click menu "Send To"
AutoStart or AutoRun - Place an icon in the StartMenu\Programs\AutoStart
EditWith - Add an icon on the right-click menu "Edit With %ProgramExe%"
Accessories* - Place an icon in the StartMenu\Programs\Accessories
AdministrativeTools* - Place an icon in the StartMenu\Programs\Administrative Tools
SystemTools* - Place an icon in the StartMenu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools
StartMenuRoot - Place an icon in the StartMenu Root
2StartMenuFolderFill this value if you want to force the shortcut to be placed on a specific folder (let it empty for use the script foldername)
3FullFileNameThis switch is used if you want to create a shortcut different of %ProgramExe% (No need to give path if File is in same folder as %ProgramExe%)
(default value = %Pe_Programs%\%ProgramFolder%\%ProgramExe%)
4TitleSet your own title for this shortcut (default value = %ProgramTitle%)
5Work Folder*Decide in which folder should start the program (default value = same Folder as the program set in parameter 3)
6ParametersIf you want to launch the program with command line parameters, write them here
7IconFileSpecify which icon to use on the shortcut. (No need to give path if IconFile is in same folder as the program set in parameter 3)
(Path\) IconFile - for icon type .ico or .exe
(Path\) IconFile#$cIndex* - for icon type .dll or .exe (simply add #$c between IconFile and Index)
8StartModeOptional value to set how the window of the launched program should be.
1 - Show
2 - Show_Minimized (program will start minimized)
3 - Show_Maximized (program will start maximized)
9ToolTipText*Text to display when cursor is on the icon of the program


  • Add_Shortcut is a generic command that will create a shortcut. On most projects, by leaving empty parameter 2, it will create this shortcut inside the Start Menu and will place it inside a subfolder that has the same name as the folder where the respective script is placed.
  • You don't need to worry where the shortcut will be placed because each project will create them in the best possible way.
  • This seems that it was coded exclusively to work with the explorer shell but it wasn't. If the user prefers (for example) to use xoblite, then the Add_Shortcut will either use the equivalent shortcut or simply ignore the request if it is not possible to execute.


If you want place an icon in StartMenu\Programs without subfolder use a point (.) as parameter 2


is same as



For a script called Test.script, located in folder Apps\CD\ProgTest\ like this :



you can add a shortcut called Test in StartMenu\Programs\CD\ProgTest for the executable Program Files\AppTest\Prog.exe by using:




To use icon Icon.ico from same folder as the %ProgramExe%, use


or to use icon from I386\sytem32\shell32.dll with index 27, use
