WINC1500 IoT Software APIs: close

WINC1500 IoT Software API

WINC1500 IoT Software APIs  19.5.2
WINC Software API Reference Manual


NMI_API sint8 close (SOCKET sock)

Detailed Description

Synchronous close function, releases all the socket assigned resources.

Function Documentation

◆ close()

NMI_API sint8 close ( SOCKET  sock)
[in]sockSocket ID, must hold a non negative value. A negative value will return a socket error SOCK_ERR_INVALID_ARG. Indicating that an invalid argument is passed in.
Sockets must be initialized through the call of the socketInit function. close is called only for valid socket identifiers created through the socket function.
If close is called while there are still pending messages (sent or received ) they will be discarded.
See also
socketInit socket
The function returned SOCK_ERR_NO_ERROR for successful operation and a negative value (indicating the error) otherwise.
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