VL53L0X API Specification: Defines the Polarity


Defines the Polarity

of the Interrupt Defines the Polarity of the Interrupt More...


#define VL53L0X_INTERRUPTPOLARITY_LOW   ((VL53L0X_InterruptPolarity) 0)
#define VL53L0X_INTERRUPTPOLARITY_HIGH   ((VL53L0X_InterruptPolarity) 1)


typedef uint8_t VL53L0X_InterruptPolarity

Detailed Description

of the Interrupt Defines the Polarity of the Interrupt

Macro Definition Documentation

#define VL53L0X_INTERRUPTPOLARITY_LOW   ((VL53L0X_InterruptPolarity) 0)

Set active low polarity best setup for falling edge.

Definition at line 498 of file vl53l0x_def.h.

#define VL53L0X_INTERRUPTPOLARITY_HIGH   ((VL53L0X_InterruptPolarity) 1)

Set active high polarity best setup for rising edge.

Definition at line 500 of file vl53l0x_def.h.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 496 of file vl53l0x_def.h.