DiscussionServer Object

Represents a discussion server in the Microsoft Office host application. The DiscussionServer object is a member of the DiscussionServers collection.
Using the DiscussionServer Object
Use DiscussionServers(Index), where Index is the index number of the specified discussion server, to return a single DiscussionServer object. The following example sets the variable dscAccounting
to the third server in the DiscussionServers collection.
Set dscAccounting = dscServers(3)
Use the FriendlyName property to set or return the friendly name of the specified discussion server. The following example changes the friendly name of the first server in the collection to "Shipping Department Server".
dscServers(1).FriendlyName = _
"Shipping Department Server"
Use the ServerAddress property to set or return the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the specified discussion server. The following example changes the URL of the first server in the collection to "http://example.microsoft.com".
dscServers(1).ServerAddress = _
Use the SetAsDefault method to set the specified discussion server as the default server for the discussions user interface and for all subsequent calls to the global method OpenDiscussions. The following example sets the third server in the DiscussionServers collection as the default discussion server.