Display Option
Navigation Path: Settings/Status > Display Option
This sections allows the content and behavior of the Tag Results Grid to be configured. It contains the following options:
Table 4: Display Option
Setting | Description |
Font Size | Set the font size used in the Tag Results Grid. Smaller fonts enable more rows to be visible. |
Tag Aging | When enabled (checked) the row of a tag will progress through multiple shades of gray as it “ages”, i.e. hasn?t been re-read in subsequent inventory rounds. |
Refresh Rate | For most applications, leave this at its default value of 100 ms. If URA is used to read a large tag population (greater than 150 tags) over a very long period of time, the URA refresh rate should be changed to 999 msec. This gives the “garbage collection” routine enough time to prevent memory leakage. |
Tag Results Column |
Additional Columns of tag read meta data can be selected (click check-box in drop-down menu) to be displayed:
TimeStamp Format | Select timestamp format to be displayed. |
Big Num Selection | Settings to optionally display various summary information, while querying, in a big number format. |