UltimateSearchOutput Members


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The UltimateSearchOutput type exposes the following members.


Public methodUltimateSearchOutput
Initializes a new instance of the UltimateSearchOutput class.


Public methodAddToIndexByCrawling
Add to index by crawling the specified urls. It will crawl and index the pages based on the configuration in the UltimateSearch.config file. It will also follow the links in those pages to keep crawling and indexing. If you don't want it to follow the links in those pages, please use the "BeforeIndex" event handler in order to override the "noFollow" flag programmatically. You can check the "Events" sample to learn more.
Public methodAddToIndexWithContent
Add to index with content and all other page descriptions.
Public methodCancelIndexing
Cancel indexing in the middle of the process, and keep using the old index.
Public methodDeleteIndex
Delete the current index.
Public methodFind(String)
Finds the search terms.
Public methodFind(String, SearchType)
Finds the search terms using the specified search type.
Public methodGetIndexedPages
Gets the indexed pages.
Public methodGetIndexedWords
Gets the indexed words.
Public methodIndexFull
Index everything from scratch based on the configuration settings in the UltimateSearch.config file.
Public methodIndexIncremental
Index only the modified pages. It will also remove deleted pages from the current index. However, if you have a new page to be indexed, it will index it only if you have a link to that page from a modified page.
Public methodLoadCopiedIndex
Load index copied from another machine. If you have permission restrictions that prevent you from indexing your website on the production machine, you can index it on a different machine with the necessary permissions by either indexing your website remotely, or by using the "devProdMapPathList" in the UltimateSearch.config file to generate links for the production environment. Then you can copy the Index folder onto your production machine, and click this button to load the index.
Public methodOnBeforeIndex
Invokes delegates registered with the BeforeIndex event.
Public methodRemoveFromIndex
Remove the specified urls from the index.
Public methodStopIndexing
Stop indexing in the middle of the process, and use the new index created so far.


Public propertyAllowPaging
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether paging is enabled.
Public propertyCounterCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS class name applied to counter if DisplayCounter is true.
Public propertyCurrentPageLinkCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS class name applied to the current page link number.
Public propertyDisplayCounter
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a counter is displayed for each search result.
Public propertyFilterResultsByCategory
Gets or sets the categories to filter the search results.
Public propertyFilterResultsByFileType
Gets or sets the file types to filter the search results.
Public propertyFirstPageText
Gets or sets the text to display in place of [FirstPageText].
Public propertyFooterFormat
Gets or sets the formatted text displayed at the footer.
Public propertyHeaderFormat
Gets or sets the formatted text displayed at the header.
Public propertyHighlightCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS class name to highlight the search terms.
Public propertyHighlightInResultPages
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to highlight search terms in result pages.
Public propertyLastPageText
Gets or sets the text to display in place of [LastPageText].
Public propertyMaxPartialMatchCount
Gets or sets the maximum number of words that start with each search term for partial match search type.
Public propertyMaxStemmingCount
Gets or sets the maximum number of stemmings to add for each search term.
Public propertyMaxSynonymCount
Gets or sets the maximum number of synonyms to add for each search term.
Public propertyMaxTextLength
Gets or sets the maximum number of characters displayed in text.
Public propertyMaxTitleLength
Gets or sets the maximum number of characters displayed in title.
Public propertyMaxUrlLength
Gets or sets the maximum number of characters displayed in url.
Public propertyNextPageImage
Gets or sets the image to display in place of [NextPageImage].
Public propertyNextPageText
Gets or sets the text to display in place of [NextPageText].
Public propertyNoDocumentsFoundFormat
Gets or sets the formatted text displayed when no documents are found.
Public propertyPageLinkCount
Gets or sets the number of page links to display.
Public propertyPageLinkCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS class name applied to page link numbers.
Public propertyPageLinkSeparator
Gets or sets the separator between page link numbers.
Public propertyPageSize
Gets or sets the number of items to display on a single page.
Public propertyPrevPageImage
Gets or sets the image to display in place of [PrevPageImage].
Public propertyPrevPageText
Gets or sets the text to display in place of [PrevPageText].
Public propertyReturnCurrentPageOnly
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether it should return current page results only.
Public propertySearchStemmings
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to search for stemmings of each search term.
Public propertySearchSynonyms
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to search for synonyms of each search term.
Public propertySearchTimeDigitCount
Gets or sets the number of digits displayed in search time.
Public propertySearchTimeInSeconds
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether search time is displayed in seconds.
Public propertySpellCheck
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to spell check the search terms using UltimateSpell.
Public propertySpellDictionary
Gets or sets the dictionary to use for spell checking.
Public propertySpellIncludeDirectory
Gets or sets the spell include directory.
Public propertySpellSuggestFormat
Gets or sets the formatted text displayed for spell check suggestions.
Public propertyTarget
Gets or sets the Target window to open the url.
Public propertyTextCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS class name applied to text.
Public propertyTitleCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS class name applied to title.
Public propertyUrlCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS class name applied to url.
Public propertyXHTML
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether UltimateSearchOutput is located on a page with document type of XHTML.


Public eventAfterSearch
Raised after the search operation is completed.
Public eventBeforeIndex
Raised before a page is indexed.
Public eventBeforeSearch
Raised after the search operation is completed.

See Also