UltimateSearchInput Properties


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The UltimateSearchInput type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDisplayLastSearch
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the last search is displayed in the search text box.
Public propertyDisplaySuggest
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether suggested search terms are displayed while typing.
Public propertyDisplaySuggestPageCount
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether page counts are displayed for suggested search terms.
Public propertyFilterSuggestByCategory
Gets or sets the categories to filter search terms in the suggestion box.
Public propertyFilterSuggestByFileType
Gets or sets the file types to filter search terms in the suggestion box.
Public propertyMaxSuggestCount
Gets or sets the maximum number of suggested search terms.
Public propertySearchButton
Gets the search button to submit search terms.
Public propertySearchOutputFrame
Gets or sets the frame that contains the SearchOutputPage.
Public propertySearchOutputPage
Gets or sets the path to the web page that contains the UltimateSearchOutput server control.
Public propertySearchTextBox
Gets the search text box to enter search terms.
Public propertySearchTypeList
Gets the radio button list to specify search type.
Public propertySetFocus
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the search text box has the focus on page load.
Public propertySpellIncludeDirectory
Gets or sets the spell include directory.
Public propertySubmitOnEnter
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the search terms are submitted when the user clicks enter.
Public propertySuggestBoxCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS Class name applied to the suggest dropdown box.
Public propertySuggestBoxWidth
Gets or sets the width of the suggest box.
Public propertySuggestInterval
Gets or sets the interval between every suggest request in milliseconds.
Public propertySuggestItemCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS Class name applied to each suggested item row when mouse is not over.
Public propertySuggestItemInnerCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS Class name applied to the inner part of each suggested item row.
Public propertySuggestItemOverCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS Class name applied to each suggested item row when mouse is over.
Public propertySuggestPageCountCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS Class name applied to the page count.
Public propertySuggestSearchTermsCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS Class name applied to the suggested search terms.
Public propertyWatermarkText
Gets or sets the watermark text to be displayed in the search textbox.
Public propertyXHTML
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether UltimateSearchInput is located on a page with document type of XHTML.

See Also