UltimateSearchTypeList Members


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The UltimateSearchTypeList type exposes the following members.


Public methodUltimateSearchTypeList
Initializes a new instance of the UltimateSearchTypeList class


Public propertyBackColor
Gets or sets the background color.
(Overrides WebControl..::..BackColor.)
Public propertyBorderColor
Gets or sets the border color.
(Overrides WebControl..::..BorderColor.)
Public propertyBorderStyle
Gets or sets the border style.
(Overrides WebControl..::..BorderStyle.)
Public propertyBorderWidth
Gets or sets the border width.
(Overrides WebControl..::..BorderWidth.)
Public propertyCellPadding
Gets or sets the distance (in pixels) between the border and the contents of the table cell.
(Overrides RadioButtonList..::..CellPadding.)
Public propertyCellSpacing
Gets or sets the distance (in pixels) between adjacent table cells.
(Overrides RadioButtonList..::..CellSpacing.)
Public propertyCssClass
Gets or sets the CSS Class.
(Overrides WebControl..::..CssClass.)
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the RadioButtonList control is enabled.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Enabled.)
Public propertyForeColor
Gets or sets the foreground color.
(Overrides WebControl..::..ForeColor.)
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Height.)
Public propertyItems
Gets the collection of search type items in the list control.
(Overrides ListControl..::..Items.)
Public propertyRepeatColumns
Gets or sets the number of columns to display in the RadioButtonList control.
(Overrides RadioButtonList..::..RepeatColumns.)
Public propertyRepeatDirection
Gets or sets the direction that the radio buttons within the group are displayed.
(Overrides RadioButtonList..::..RepeatDirection.)
Public propertyRepeatLayout
Gets or sets the layout of radio buttons within the group.
(Overrides RadioButtonList..::..RepeatLayout.)
Public propertyTextAlign
Gets or sets the text alignment.
(Overrides RadioButtonList..::..TextAlign.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the RadioButtonList control is visible.
(Overrides Control..::..Visible.)
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width.
(Overrides WebControl..::..Width.)

See Also