Karamasoft.WebControls.UltimateSearch Namespace


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Public classAdmin
Represents a web page used by the administrator to check the index file.
Public classAfterSearchEventArgs
Class sent to the event handler when the AfterSearch event is fired.
Public classBeforeIndexEventArgs
Class sent to the event handler when the BeforeIndex event is fired.
Public classBeforeSearchEventArgs
Class sent to the event handler when the BeforeSearch event is fired.
Public classIndexInfo
Represents the status and operational information during and after indexing.
Public classSuggest
Represents a web page used by UltimateSearchTextBox to find and display suggested search terms.
Public classUltimateSearchButton
Represents a multi-button control that allows the user to submit search terms.
Public classUltimateSearchInput
UltimateSearchInput is an ASP.NET web server control that allows the user to enter and submit the search terms.
Public classUltimateSearchOutput
UltimateSearchInput is an ASP.NET web server control that calls the search functions and displays the results.
Public classUltimateSearchTextBox
Represents a TextBox control that allows the user to enter search terms.
Public classUltimateSearchTypeList
Represents a RadioButtonList control that allows the user to specify the search type.


Public delegateUltimateSearchOutput..::..AfterSearchEventHandler
Declares the AfterSearch event handler delegate.
Public delegateUltimateSearchOutput..::..BeforeIndexEventHandler
Declares the BeforeIndex event handler delegate.
Public delegateUltimateSearchOutput..::..BeforeSearchEventHandler
Declares the BeforeSearch event handler delegate.


Public enumerationIndexInfo..::..OperationType
Operation type during the current or last indexing.
Public enumerationIndexInfo..::..StatusType
Status type during the index operation.
Public enumerationSearchType
Contains the available search types.
Public enumerationUltimateSearchButton..::..SearchButtonType
Contains the available button types.