3.4. Checkout Links


3.4. Checkout Links

If you want to make your Subversion repository available to others you may want to include a link to it from your website. One way to make this more accessible is to include a checkout link for other TortoiseSVN users.

When you install TortoiseSVN, it registers a new tsvn: protocol. When a TortoiseSVN user clicks on such a link, the checkout dialog will open automatically with the repository URL already filled in.

To include such a link in your own html page, you need to add code which looks something like this:

<a href="tsvn:http://project.domain.org/svn/trunk">

Of course it would look even better if you included a suitable picture. You can use the TortoiseSVN logo or you can provide your own image.

<a href="tsvn:http://project.domain.org/svn/trunk">
<img src=TortoiseCheckout.png></a>

You can also make the link point to a specific revision, for example

<a href="tsvn:http://project.domain.org/svn/trunk?100">