ExecutionSettings Properties


ExecutionSettings Properties

The ExecutionSettings type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property Antennas
Gets the order in which to try antennas (antennas are numbered 1, 2, 3, ...). Null leaves the order to the reader.
Public property Filter
Filter pattern to apply after selection but before any subsequent operations.
Public property MergeByEpc
Gets or sets whether tag responses for the same EPC should be combined into one tag response. Applies in synchronous mode only, and any change in setting should be made before the call to Execute(). If false, then response will contain results from each round individually so that individual data such as frequency and antenna are available. If true, then results are merged and the best data is retained. Default true.
Public property Session
Gets the session to use for operation execution.
Public property Trigger
Gets the trigger to use for operation execution.
See Also