IEpcEncoder.ToTagUriString Method


IEpcEncoderToTagUriString Method
Method to generate the EPC Tag URI, e.g. urn:epc:tag:sgtin-96:3.0614141.812345.6789

Namespace: Tego.Rfid.Tds
Assembly: Tego (in Tego.dll) Version: 1.0.6599.21663 (1.2017.413.1)
string ToTagUriString(
	bool includePrefix = true
Function ToTagUriString ( 
	Optional includePrefix As Boolean = true
) As String
String^ ToTagUriString(
	bool includePrefix = true
abstract ToTagUriString : 
        ?includePrefix : bool 
(* Defaults:
        let _includePrefix = defaultArg includePrefix true
-> string 


includePrefix (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Will include urn:epc:tag: prefix if true, otherwise prefix is omitted.

Return Value

Type: String
EPC Tag URI text.
See Also