OperationResult Enumeration


OperationResult Enumeration
Result of an operation. Note that result codes may vary by reader and chip manufacturer.

Namespace: Tego.Rfid.Gen2
Assembly: Tego (in Tego.dll) Version: 1.0.6599.21663 (1.2017.413.1)
public enum OperationResult
Public Enumeration OperationResult
public enum class OperationResult
type OperationResult
  Member nameValueDescription
Undefined0Result has not yet been set.
OK1Operation was successful.
NoTag2Tag did not respond.
Error3Operation was not successful, but little info available.
RepeatableError4Operation was not successful, and will fail again if repeated.
TagError5Tag error, including non-specific tag error.
ReaderError6Reader error, including non-specific reader error.
PasswordError7Invalid password.
ZeroKillPasswordError8Attempt to kill a tag using a zero password.
MemoryOverrunError9Accessed an invalid memory address.
MemoryLockedError10Memory was locked.
InsufficientPowerError11Insufficient power to perform operation.
DataIntegrityError12Reader did not report an error but data integrity check failed.
See Also