ExecutionSettingsExtensions Methods


ExecutionSettingsExtensions Methods

The ExecutionSettingsExtensions type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public method Static member GetAntennas
Gets the list of antennas to use.
Public method Static member GetDuration(ExecutionSettings)
Get the duration for a trigger. 0 if settings or trigger are null or trigger does not provide duration.
Public method Static member GetDuration(Trigger)
Get the duration for a trigger. 0 if trigger is null or does not provide duration.
Public method Static member GetRounds(ExecutionSettings)
Get the number of rounds for the settings (including null). 1 if settings or trigger are null or 0 if trigger does not provide rounds.
Public method Static member GetRounds(Trigger)
Get the number of rounds for a trigger. 1 if trigger is null or 0 if trigger does not provide rounds.
Public method Static member GetSession
Get the session for the settings or S0 if the settings are null.
Public method Static member GetTrigger
Extension method to get trigger from settings without creating an exception if settings are null.
See Also