PrintDialogSettings Properties

T3000 CrossPlatform

PrintDialogSettings Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The PrintDialogSettings type exposes the following members.

Public propertyFooter
Footer of page. Here you can use special codes: &w (Window title), &D, &d (Date), &t(), &4 (Time), &p (Current page number), &P (Total number of pages), && (A single ampersand), &b (Right justify text, Center text. If &b occurs once, then anything after the &b is right justified. If &b occurs twice, then anything between the two &b is centered, and anything after the second &b is right justified).
Public propertyHeader
Header of page Here you can use special codes: &w (Window title), &D, &d (Date), &t(), &4 (Time), &p (Current page number), &P (Total number of pages), && (A single ampersand), &b (Right justify text, Center text. If &b occurs once, then anything after the &b is right justified. If &b occurs twice, then anything between the two &b is centered, and anything after the second &b is right justified).
Public propertyIncludeLineNumbers
Prints line numbers
Public propertyShowPageSetupDialog
Public propertyShowPrintDialog
Public propertyShowPrintPreviewDialog
Public propertyTitle
Title of page. If you want to print Title on the page, insert code &w in Footer or Header.
See Also