SyntaxHighlighter Methods

T3000 CrossPlatform

SyntaxHighlighter Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The SyntaxHighlighter type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddResilientStyle
Adds the given style as resilient style. A resilient style is additionally available when highlighting is based on a syntax descriptor that has been derived from a XML description file. In the run of the highlighting routine the styles used by the FCTB are always dropped and replaced with the (initial) ones from the syntax descriptor. Resilient styles are added afterwards and can be used anyway.
Public methodAddXmlDescription
Uses the given doc to parse a XML description and adds it as syntax descriptor. The syntax descriptor is used for highlighting when
  • Language property of FCTB is set to Custom
  • DescriptionFile property of FCTB has the same value as the method parameter descriptionFileName
Public methodAutoIndentNeeded
Protected methodCSharpAutoIndentNeeded
Public methodCSharpSyntaxHighlight
Highlights C# code
Public methodDispose
Public methodEquals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHighlightSyntax(String, Range)
Highlights syntax for given XML description file
Public methodHighlightSyntax(Language, Range)
Highlights syntax for given language
Public methodHighlightSyntax(SyntaxDescriptor, Range)
Protected methodHTMLAutoIndentNeeded
Public methodHTMLSyntaxHighlight
Highlights HTML code
Protected methodInitCShaprRegex
Protected methodInitHTMLRegex
Protected methodInitJScriptRegex
Protected methodInitLuaRegex
Protected methodInitPHPRegex
Protected methodInitSQLRegex
Public methodInitStyleSchema
Protected methodInitVBRegex
Protected methodInitXMLRegex
Public methodJScriptSyntaxHighlight
Highlights JavaScript code
Protected methodLuaAutoIndentNeeded
Public methodLuaSyntaxHighlight
Highlights Lua code
Protected methodMemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodStatic memberParseColor
Protected methodStatic memberParseFolding
Protected methodStatic memberParseRule
Protected methodStatic memberParseStyle
Public methodStatic memberParseXmlDescription
Protected methodPHPAutoIndentNeeded
Public methodPHPSyntaxHighlight
Highlights PHP code
Protected methodRememberBrackets
Protected methodRestoreBrackets
Protected methodSQLAutoIndentNeeded
Public methodSQLSyntaxHighlight
Highlights SQL code
Public methodToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodVBAutoIndentNeeded
Public methodVBSyntaxHighlight
Highlights VB code
Protected methodXMLAutoIndentNeeded
Public methodXMLSyntaxHighlight
Highlights XML code
See Also